Penofin Log On® Wood Stain

From the Appalachians and the Ozarks, to Whistler and the Rockies from the Tetons to the Wasatch, and to the Blue Ridge mountains and beyond, LOG ON!

Quick Facts
- Wood stain for timber frame and log homes
- Added protection
- Sustainably harvested Brazilian Rosewood Oil
- Three tones
Product Info

LOG ON wood stain has 99% UV protection, the highest rating of any transparent finish. LOG ON wood stain has the finest mildew protection found anywhere. LOG ON wood stain is a semi-transparent wood finish that penetrates deeper than any other transparent wood stain. It really nourishes and protects the wood. You'll use LOG ON wood stain in high altitude environments where sun, wind, rain, and snow are toughest on wood. LOG ON wood stain is perfect for log homes and timber frame properties that experience fierce weather conditions! From the Appalachians and the Ozarks, to Whistler and the Rockies, from the Tetons to the Wasatch, and to the Blue Ridge Mountains and beyond, LOG ON wood stain!
Penofin is not a high solid, lay-on-the-surface type common log and timber frame finish. No! Penetrating Penofin wood stain is so incredible; the fibers are nourished and stabilized deep within the wood. Penofin's LOG ON wood stain is available in three transparent tones that will enhance any log or timber frame structure.