Use PENOFIN on cabinets, flooring, furniture, and art objects.
- For best results, prepare the wood prior to applying Penofin. Visit our Prep Before Applying Penofin page under HOW-TO.
- Shake well and stir thoroughly. Do not thin or blend with other products. Apply one coat with a brush or stain pad. For maximum absorption wait 30 minutes before removing the excess with a nap-free cloth. For rough-sawn wood, back brush with a dry brush or stain pad to remove excess surface product. The surface will be usable after 12 hours. It’s that easy and quick! Ready for wet sanding in 24 hours.
- Wet-sanding can be used for a high-gloss finish. Wet sanding with PENOFIN creates a natural paste that fills the pores of the wood and eliminates the need for sanding sealer or paste filler.
- Apply Penofin to a small area. With 400-600grit wet/dry sandpaper, sand with the grain and keep the area wet with PENOFIN. Wipe the area dry and repeat the process until the grain is filled and desired patina is achieved. Buff to a polish with a clean, soft cloth. If desired, a polyurethane varnish or lacquer may be applied over PENOFIN after two weeks.
- Maintenance after wet-sanding is as simple as burnishing with a soft cloth or a floor buffer will preserve the beauty of Penofin enriched wood. Touch up with Penofin as needed.
- Cleanup: Use mineral spirits or paint thinner. Avoid spontaneous combustion; submerge used cloths in a metal sealable container of water until you can take them to your local hazmat drop-off.
- Interior Hardwood requires paint thinner or mineral spirits.
- Penofin Verde, due to its plant-based formulation, cleanup is as simple as soap and water.
- Lightly sand the wood with the appropriate grit sandpaper (softwoods 100-120 & hardwoods 60-80), and thoroughly wipe down the surface with a damp cloth. Allow the wood to dry for 24-48 hours before applying a thin even coat of the Penofin stain. Because PENOFIN is a penetrating oil, damaged areas, scratches, or stains may be repaired by dipping a piece of a non-lint rag into the stain and rubbing in a small amount of the stain into the affected areas.
- Combustible – Keep these products away from heat, open flame, and sparks.
- Beware of spontaneous combustion. Make certain all rags or other materials used with PENOFIN are soaked in water, stored in a sealable metal container, or until they can be dropped off at your local hazmat drop-off.
- Avoid contact with skin and breathing vapor or spray mist. Use only with adequate ventilation. Do not take internally.
- If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Call a physician immediately.
- Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet and product label for more information.
- Shelf-life is limited once factory seal is broken. Secure lid tightly after each use.