Penofin OEM Partner Program

Wood House Carpentry / Timber Framing
Douglas Benoit
West Bloomfield, MI
Tel: 248-249-2926

Penofin OEM Partner: Wood House Carpentry / Timber Framing
At Wood House Carpentry, our passion is dedicated to crafting the most captivating and aesthetically pleasing timber frame kits and components. Our commitment extends beyond products; we strive to offer superior services, comprehensive information, and top-tier supplies, empowering others to achieve the same level of excellence.
Specializing in the art of constructing timber-framed trusses, components, and small outdoor structures, our skilled craftsmen exemplify dedication and expertise. Utilizing only the finest materials, our team works diligently to transform each custom timber project into a genuine masterpiece.
Feel free to explore at your own pace. Peruse our extensive portfolio showcasing previous projects and immerse yourself in a wealth of ideas for an extra touch of inspiration. We invite you to join us in the world of exceptional timber craftsmanship, where every creation tells a unique and timeless story.